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Tottenham's Dawn Ferdinand Wins Silver Award for Headteacher of the Year

“Dawn Ferdinand, headteacher at The Willow Primary School in Tottenham, has been honoured with the prestigious Silver Award for ‘Headteacher of the Year’ in the Pearson National Teaching Awards!

Join us in celebrating her incredible achievement and dedication to education.”


Dawn Ferdinand, the esteemed headteacher at The Willow Primary School on the Broadwater Farm estate in Tottenham, Haringey, has been honoured with the prestigious Silver Award for ‘Headteacher of the Year’ in the Pearson National Teaching Awards.

This accolade celebrates her exceptional dedication and impact on the lives of her students and the broader school community.

Recognition from a Pool of Thousands

Selected from thousands of nominees, Dawn Ferdinand’s achievement is a testament to her remarkable leadership and unwavering commitment to education. She is among the 102 teachers, lecturers, leaders, support staff, and institutions recognized as Silver Award winners in this year’s Pearson National Teaching Awards. These Silver Award winners will now vie for the esteemed Gold Award, which will be announced at an awards ceremony later this year.

Celebration on National Thank a Teacher Day

The announcement coincided with National Thank a Teacher Day, a heart-warming event at The Willow Primary School that saw students and teachers come together to celebrate. The day was marked by joy, recognition, and heartfelt expressions of gratitude, underscoring the invaluable contributions that teachers make to their communities. Highlights of the day included:

Awards Ceremony: Teachers were presented with personalized certificates and awards, acknowledging their hard work and commitment to fostering a nurturing and inspiring learning environment.

Messages of Appreciation: Students expressed their gratitude through kind words and heartfelt messages, showcasing the profound impact that dedicated educators like Dawn Ferdinand have on their lives.

Performances: Following a talent competition held at The Willow Primary School the previous week, the top three winners performed for the audience, adding a festive and celebratory atmosphere to the occasion.

The Role of Educators

National Thank a Teacher Day is an annual event that honors the dedication and hard work of teachers across the country. It serves as a powerful reminder of the essential role educators play in shaping the future. Dawn Ferdinand’s recognition with the Silver Award for ‘Headteacher of the Year’ not only highlights her individual achievements but also shines a light on the critical importance of strong leadership in schools.

A Beacon of Excellence

Dawn Ferdinand’s recognition is more than a personal accolade; it is a beacon of excellence for the entire education community. Her work at The Willow Primary School exemplifies the transformative power of dedicated leadership and innovative teaching.

As the school looks forward to the announcement of the Gold Award winners later this year, the community can take immense pride in having a headteacher whose efforts have been recognized on such a prestigious platform.

In celebrating Dawn Ferdinand’s achievement, The Willow Primary School and the broader Tottenham community honor not just her, but all educators who strive every day to make a difference in the lives of their students.



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