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Bracing Our Heritage, Empowering Our Future: The Journey to Equity for the Black Community

“Celebrating our heritage while paving the way for future generations! Join us as we champion equity and empower Black entrepreneurs. Together, we can break barriers and build a thriving community.”

Nicola MillingtonCONTRIBUTOR

Bracing our heritage, empowering our future, and how equity equality for the Black community needs to happen now

In the journey towards achieving equity equality, the Black British community faces a unique set of challenges and opportunities.

As a proud Guyanese with deep roots in a culture of resilience and perseverance, I have dedicated my life to fostering the success of Black people globally through my work in PR.

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Today, I stand at the intersection of heritage and progress, driven by a passion to see our community thrive in all spheres of life.

Let me start with Guyana, a small yet vibrant nation in South America, has recently garnered international attention for its burgeoning economy, and the President Irfaan Ali setting the BBC straight about Guyana’s contribution to the global climate conversation.

However, with the discovery of significant oil reserves, Guyana is poised for unprecedented growth, presenting a beacon of hope and opportunity not only for its citizens but also for the global Black community.

This economic resurgence is a testament to the indomitable spirit of Guyanese people, who have historically navigated adversities with grace and determination.

As someone who deeply cherishes my Guyanese heritage, I see this economic upswing as a metaphor for the potential that lies within every Black individual and community.

Just as Guyana is on the cusp of transformation, so too can we transform our circumstances through collective effort and unwavering commitment to progress.

My passion for the success of Black people is deeply personal. Growing up in a Guyanese household, I was imbued with the values of hard work, community, resilience and determination.

These values have shaped my perspective and fuelled my drive to create opportunities for others, especially where it comes to controlling our own narrative and telling our business stories.

I have witnessed firsthand the systemic barriers that hinder progress, and I am committed to dismantling these obstacles to pave the way for future generations.

At the heart of my work is my role as Director of Comms for the UK Black Business Entrepreneurs Conference (BBEC).

BBEC was founded on the back of the research and report written by Dr. Carlton Brown in 2021, which looked at the systematic barriers faced specifically by Black Entrepreneurs seeking to access the supply chain and what that also means within the DEI space.

The Conference (now in its third year) is a conference dedicated to empowering Black entrepreneurs and fostering economic equity.

BBEC serves as a nexus for innovation, collaboration, and growth, bringing together thought leaders, business magnates, and aspiring entrepreneurs to share insights and strategies for success and achieve tangible results each year.

The conference has become a key point in the calendar of entrepreneurs, as it is more than just an event; it is a movement aimed at reshaping the narrative for Black businesses in the UK.

Through a range of masterclasses, keynote speeches, and networking opportunities, BBEC provides the tools and resources necessary for Black entrepreneurs to thrive in a competitive market.

By highlighting success stories and facilitating mentorship, we aim to inspire the next generation of Black business leaders to pursue their dreams with confidence and determination.

Achieving equity equality for the Black community requires a multifaceted approach that addresses systemic inequities while promoting economic empowerment.

At BBEC, we advocate for policies that level the playing field, ensuring that Black entrepreneurs have access to the same opportunities as their counterparts.

This includes equitable access to funding, mentorship programs, and educational resources that are crucial for business success.

Furthermore, we emphasise the importance of community support and collaboration.

By fostering a strong network of Black professionals and allies, we can create an ecosystem that nurtures innovation and growth.

Our collective strength lies in our ability to uplift one another, sharing knowledge and resources to overcome challenges and seize opportunities.

As we look to the future, I am filled with optimism and determination. And, through initiatives like BBEC, we can drive meaningful economic change and create a world where equity equality across business as well as politics, education, justice, and of course media are not just ideals but realities for the Black community.

In embracing our heritage and championing our collective success, we honour the legacy of those who came before us and pave the way for those who will follow.

“Together, we can build a future where every Black individual has the opportunity to achieve their fullest potential, contributing to a more just and equitable society for all”

Nicola MilligtonCONTRIBUTOR



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